Free Reports

Free Reports:

Check Out My Resources Library

Computer Skills Checklist:
How well do you know your computer and the Internet? This report includes over 125 possible skills for your computer, including using accessories, email, Internet, photos, Microsoft Word, online promotion, and using an iPad or iPhone. How many do you know?

Online Productivity: 
5 Strategies To Improve Productivity: Discover how easy it can be to harness the technology tools that will make you super-productive online. Includes the mindset you need to be productive, organizing your digital space, daily goal setting and planning ideas, technology tools and automation shortcuts.

 7 Day Ecourse to help you share your experiences and expertise with the people who need it.

Instructor Best Practices:
Tips For Great Courses: These tips were gathered from many actual student reviews of online courses. Includes best practices of the top instructors.


