Website Objectives

What are your objectives concerning your website? Since I have a number of sites, I found it very helpful to write down my Internet plans for the year. Try to focus on your main objective for each site and decide on any regular features to incorporate.

For instance, with my Internet Marketing site, my objective is to journal my progress as I create information products and as I set up my first membership site online. In the past, I’ve written about a number of things related to Internet Marketing with no real focus on specific topics.

Provide regular weekly updates about your business – anything that your target market would find interesting. Answer frequently asked questions.

Why not create an editorial calendar for the year? The calendar will give you specific ideas about what to write on your website. It isn’t meant to be rigidly followed, but helps keep you on track. Write about other things as well, but this gets you started.

A calendar will list a lot of special days, such as Secretary Day. From there, brainstorm topic ideas. That way, each week of the month you can start with an idea and expand on it. For instance, one of the days mentioned was Red Day. Red got me thinking about bold colors, which got me thinking about image. That ended up as a topic about ‘how to get your site noticed’. Many content providers find an editorial calendar quite useful.

Planning takes time, but it helps you focus on where you want to go. Are the goals for your website clearly laid out?


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